Here is Hatley's.
In Nicaragua, you get a sonogram at every appointment. Which is great! So, from about 20 weeks on, I knew that Little Miss was breech. Our first delivery was a c-section and I was trying my hardest not to have another one. However, being breech does not lend itself to a natural delivery. At every appointment the Dr. would tell me to crawl around on my hands and feet como un gato (like a cat). I did this faithfully. Which is not so much fun, especially when you have another baby who thinks it would be fun to climb all over me while doing this. I would rub my belly in a circle, I would envision her turning, I would pray and pray, and I ate some crazy things to try to get her to move. No luck, she was stubborn.
So from week 20 to week 39 and 6 days, Hatley was breech. At my 40 week appointment, I came to the sad realization that she wasn't going to turn and so we scheduled the c-section. I was okay with it, because I knew there was nothing I could do. Breech babies are almost always delivered via c-section. My Dr. asked if I would want to have one more sonogram on the Friday before the c-section (on Saturday). I said no. David, however; thought it could be a good idea. So we scheduled that too.
On Friday, I went in expecting to hear that she was still breech and that we would move forward with the c-section. However, she moved! I remember thinking that it was a gift from God. That even if I did have to have a c-section, He answered my prayers for her to move! I went to another doctor on that day to have a more in-depth sonogram and everything looked good - excecpt that the cord was around her neck and around her shoulder. It wasn't a big concern, but something to keep an eye on.
So we waited. And again I prayed and prayed that I would go into labor. Oh, how I wanted to go into labor. I wanted to feel how it feels, I wanted the chance to try to give birth.
I went back to the doctor on the following Tuesday and got the supreme bad news that I needed to have a c-section. Ugh, I was beyond dissapointed. The reasons for the c-section were: I was "supposedly" a week and a half past due (not exactly sure about this), because the cord was around the neck and shoulder she could not descend low enough to begin the labor process, I was low on amniotic fluid and she was "supposedly" getting too big.
It's such a difficult thing when you hear this. Obviously, you want what is best for the baby. But there is also a huge desire to have the baby naturally. I struggled (really still do struggle) with thinking that I was less. That I couldn't do what God made for women to do. It's so dissapointing. However, when the doctor tell you this, it's close to impossible to say no. You want what is best for your baby, you want her to be safe.
So, after many tears, we decided to go ahead and have the c-section on the next day, Wednesday.
If you've never had a c-section, let me tell you, they are not my most favorite thing in life. I'm sure going thru 20 hours of labor is not awesome either though! :) Suregery is scary, at least to me. I don't like the anestesia, or the strapping down of your arms, or the cutting of my skin, or the blood. I do like the end result of a super cute baby though!
(c-section in process, hope that's not too graphic!)
After I was cut open, the doctor announced she was a girl! What a special moment! When you don't find out the sex prior, it's always a fun surprise! She ended up weighing 6 lbs, 10 oz (yeah, not big, I know!) She was wisked away to be cleaned up and I was taken to recovery. After what seemed like forever, we were finally reunited! She was a great nurser from the beginning (which I am SO thankful for).
(Hatley Michelle Russell)
Although there is a bit of sadness in the way she was born, there is immense joy in having her here. She is a gift from God.
I'm not 100% sure the c-section was needed. I don't know if I waited what would have happened. But I can't really think about those things and I usually don't. I do think about the fact that the Lord answered my prayers of turning her. That he blessed us with a healthy baby girl. That she was/is a great nurser. That even though I live in a undeveloped country, there are some amazing doctors here. I am so thankful for all those things! God is good.
(My sweet baby girl)