Monday, October 27, 2008

I'm a third there!

Just a little update on baby Russell - I am 13 weeks this week. Which means I am now in the beginning of the 2nd trimester! Crazy, huh? I am feeling pretty good. I get a bit tired during the day, but nothing unbearable. I feel nauseous every once in while, but it's not terrible. I am so thankful that I'm not throwing up all the time - God is good to me! Really, I am very grateful to not be super sick!

Here is a pic of my "belly".

It's a tiny bit bigger than what is usually is! :) Clothes still fit which is good since I have no maternity clothes here!

We go to the doctor next week to have a check up. You can be praying that everything is going well with the devolopment of our little baby!

Monday, October 20, 2008

We painted

This weekend, David and I finally began painting! We painted our bathroom yellow - it was meant to be a fun soft yellow, but it's a bit bright! Oh well!

We also painted one wall a blue gray color. I've never used any sort of blue in decorating, but just decided it could be fun! Nicaragua is fun because there are so many bright colors everywhere. Here are some pics!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

My Forgetfulness

I can be very forgetful. It's sad, but true. David and I will see a movie and I will have forgot that we saw it 2 weeks later. I can't remember the names to any songs or the singers. It's quite sad.

One thing I don't want to be forgetful about is to be thankful. I don't know if it's the fact that I'm pregnant or what - but I have been missing home a lot recently. When I start missing home, I can quickly go down a Woe-is-me path. I'll start thinking of all the things/people I miss. My eyes and heart get set on the wrong thing. And being thankful goes out the window.
So I have decided to be thankful and to remember to be thankful!

One thing I am so thankful for here in Nicaragua is that I get to work with my husband. Back home, we had very different schedules. We could go days without really seeing each other. Here I get to see him all the time, even throughout the day! It's been such a great blessing, that I am so very thankful for! I know it might not always be this way. So I am grateful for our time we have together right now.

Here's a cute pic of him!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Big News

So, as most of you know, but some may not. David and I have big news! We found out for sure last Thursday, that we are going to have a baby! We are so very excited!
Here's a picture of the home pregnancy test- two lines means your pregnant!
I'm sure you have a bajillion questions! So did I. I'll try to answer some of them!
-We are going to have the baby here. We met with the doctor on Thursday and he is so nice, well educated and works in the nicest hospital in Managua. Many of the other missionaries here have had him deliver their baby. We totally trust him!
-I am about 10 and half weeks pregnant!
-I have been feeling sick off and on, but nothing too bad! Right now I crave Taco Bell - but I don'tknow if that's a pregnancy thing. I always want Taco Bell!
-The due date is May 4th. We will have the baby and then be able to come home for the summer at the beginning of June. So we can see all ya'll!
That's all I can think of right now, but feel free to ask anything else!
We love and miss you!