Thursday, September 3, 2009

and I'm back!

Sorry for the little hiatus ( all 4 of you that read this!).

We've had a pretty busy week! This past weekend David played in the worship band at the church we go to. Not only did he play the piano (like a pro), but he sang as well! He did a great job - I was real impressed!

Side note: Sometimes it irritates me when people have more that one talent. For example, you can sing, play basketball, play the piano, etc., etc. But because he's my husband - I can get over it! :) and I love that I'm married to a multi-talented man! :)

Anyways, the band really did an awesome job of leading us in worship of the Lord. I've been trying to really focus during our singing time of really worshipping (even while holding a baby), so I was thankful for the praise time!

Then on Monday at say noon, we found out we needed to be out of our apartment and moved into our new place the next day! "What?" you may be saying - yeah me too! As most of ya'll know David's brother and sister in law (Chase and Julie) are moving to Nicaragua to work with a ministry here. The fun thing about them moving here is that they are going to live with us!! However, our old apartment didn't have a room for them to stay in! Sooo, we moved to an apartment with one more room for them. It was hectic and crazy, but we did it! And the new place is great! (Pictures to come!)

On Wednesday, I took Beckett to the doctor for his 4 month check up. I can hardly believe he's 4 months old! Each month is better and better! He is now 13 pounds, 4 ounces. Not huge, but doing good! This month has been really fun, because he can do a lot of new things. He's:
-sticking out his tongue
-grabbing his feet and trying to put them in his mouth
-kind of/ sort of laughing!
-grabbing all sorts of things (for example my ceral bowl, which he poured all over himself and me!)
-rolling from his back to tummy (only done once)
-turning his head when he hears a voice
-being oh so loveable!

So that was our week!

More posts to come with pictures - I just have to find where I packed the camera!


Jonathan Lilley said...

great to hear from you again! looking forward to pictures of the new place!

Julie said...

me too! can't wait to see pics of my new home!:) especially since I don't really have one right now! also, can't wait to see beckett do all those fun things! tell him i love him! miss you guys!

Mikaela said...

I'm one of your "4" readers so keep the posts to get updates on you guys!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I'm impressed that you were able to move in one day, especially now that you have a baby and with David teaching full-time -- and you still found time to blog about it. Good job, Kristina! I too am looking forward to more pictures, particularly of a 13lb kind of/sort of laughing Beckett! We miss all of you!
Love, Orell

The Chandler Clan said...

so fun, that Chase and Julie are coming and you will all live together. We lived with my sister and her family for a few months last year and it was so much fun.