Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Rainy Season

This is the rain today. At my old school in Dallas, I had to deal with some kids from crazy homes. Because of that, their behavior was not always the best (chair throwing, cussing, etc!) I would have to stop teaching and deal with the beahvior issue. I don't really have that problem here - but I do have 'the rain'. You would think, rain? Not a big deal. OHHHHHH, but you are wrong. It rains so hard for so long. The roofs are tin, so I have to yell to be heard. It's a bit of chaos! The roof leaks! And today, 4 of these gross, nasty centipede things decided to come in the front door. Just so we are clear - centipedes are gross! (they are in the pink cup in the video)
So instead of trying to yell at the top of my lungs, we just did centers. Praise the Lord for centers!
Here are few pics of my kids doing centers:

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