Monday, August 17, 2009

Gassy Baby

Just a question.

Does anyone have any genius ideas about what to do for a gassy baby???

I've tried

burping him (obviously!)

rubbing his stomach clockwise

pushing his legs up to his stomach

carrying him football style to put pressure on his stomach

giving him gas drops!

He still seems to have an upset belly!


1 comment:

mrs. rains & family said...

hey friend. :) so sorry he's having tummy trouble. when emma dealt with that, i tried to keep track of what i was eating and when... to see if there was any association with something i ate and her gassy tummy. i think that's when we figured out that broccoli, asparagus, apples and milk/most dairy really hurt her tummy! i have a friend who has had to cut out dairy whenever she's nursing because her kids have trouble (yes... cheese too! i know - yikes!), but it made it so much better! also, i know you said gas drops... we did the mylicon (think that's what its called) and it was great for emma. we gave it to her after every single feeding... and pretty much everything else you're saying. ;) you're a good mommy! you're doing what you're supposed to! i would say maybe try writing down what you're eating and when. also write what you ate on milk storage bags so you can keep track of it when he's drinking that milk later (if you're storing it).

i hope that helps!

please email me or skype me if you have ANY questions, kristina. love and miss you!

praying for beckett's tiny tummy!