Beckett taking a bath in a kitchen pot in San Juan del Sur!
Beckett is 7 months old today! This month has been a month of so many changes! Here's a list of some of the things he's doing!
- He can army crawl and get himself basically anywhere he wants to go!
- He can go from laying on his tummy to a sitting position!
- He can almost pull himself up into the standing position.
- He's eating a ton these days! His favorites are bananas, applesauce, and sweet potatoes! He recently ate some prunes and loved them! That seems weird to me, but whatever!!
- He is babbling more and more and laughing more too!
- He's become a big flirt and loves attention from anyone and everyone!
- He's also learned how to throw a bit of a fit. He'll arch is back and throw his head back in anger. It's cute now, but I'm sure it won't be soon! We're trying to put a stop to it!
- He's got 2 bottom teeth and I think 2 more are comin'!
-And as always, he is being so so cute!
We go back to the doctor for his 7 month checkup next week. I feel like he's gained 3 pounds in this month, but we'll see!
(Side note: Babies go see the pediatrician every month until they are 1 year old here. Since it's not too terribly expensive, I like going and seeing all his stats!)
Swimming with the parentals!
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