Sunday, March 22, 2009


There are many cool things about Nicaragua. Here's just an example. As I was coming home today, the guard at our apartment complex told me to stop and roll down my window.
(Side note: This guard's name is Hector and we like to call him Hector the Protector. I would not like to be on his bad side. He's one big, serious, gun-toting Nica)
He then asks if I want some mangos. I of course said yes!

Look at how huge they are (the banana is there to compare to)! And mangos here are good. I never really liked mangos in the states, but here, they are delicious.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Those mangos are unbelievable! I've never been a big fan either, but Tracy really likes them -- and now you've dangled the ultimate mango in front of us! If you've truly been wanting us to visit you in Nicaragua, this is the picture you should have shown us -- not the milk in a bag!
Love, Tracy and Orell