Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Domestic Me

Prior to living in Nicaragua, I cooked approximately 4 times in my life. Well, not really, but I didn't cook all that often. David and I would cook together or he would cook.
I know, I married well.
AND, get this? He did ALL the grocery shopping. He even cut coupons. I know, I know - you're jealous and wish you had such a great husband. Sorry, he's taken.
Anyways, since living in Nicaragua, I am growing and learning in my culinary skills. For many reasons. 1. I am now at home all day and he is working all day. Only makes sense for me to cook and go to the store. 2. The grocery stores here are great, but they don't have tons of pre-made foods. For examples: no cut&slice cookies, no frozen pie crusts, no meals in a bag.
So all this to say, I am becoming more domestic! Who knew I had it in me???
This is what I did yesterday.

It started like this - all sticky and gooey and full of this magical stuff, yeast.

Grew to be like this. Yeast, I tell you, amazing stuff!

And then this

And then turned to bread. Which we promptly ate!

And then later on, I made lasagna! My sister-in-law Erin, makes the best lasagna. Ever. It wasn't Erin's lasagna, but I think it was pretty good!

So yeah, I am slowly, but surely becoming more domestic!

And, I hate to admit it, but I kind of like it!

On a completely different note, we liked to send a birthday shout out to this guy! We love you Hudson! Happy 1st birthday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's my girl!!!
