Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Sorry for the blogging break. There are some excuses, but I'm sure you don't want to hear them, so I'll spare you!

So we are back to another Thursday and as I sit here and type, I am reminded that I have much to be thankful for.

I don't remember what number I'm on, so let's just say 13.

13. Fans and lights. Recently the power has been going off a lot more frequently than it ever has before. For example, it went off about 5 times yesterday. The longest period from 9AM to 1PM. When the fans are off, it's just still. And the hardest part about it, is that Beckett has a really hard time sleeping without some air moving. However, because it has been going off so frequently, it makes me thankful for the times that it IS on. This might sound silly, but I am not guaranteed to have fans or lights. The Lord never promised me this. We know many people here that either don't have power consistently or not at all. It's a blessing to have. And I am thankful.

14. Mike. Right now David is picking Mike up from the airport! So thankful that he would take the time, spend the money, and go through 3 different countries to see us. I know David is so excited he's here!

This is the only picture I could find of the two of them. They clearly are NOT playing poker, because that would be bad.

15. The beauty of this country. I L.O.V.E. the mountains. Love them. I feel like I see God's grandness and majesty in the mountains. Again, this probably sounds weird, but when I thought of God's beauty, His creation - I only thought about the mountains. But after living here for about 2 years, my eyes are being open to tons of different types of beautiful creation. And I see the Lord in all of it.

16. Ultimate Frisbee. Every Sunday, about 20 or so people come and play ultimate frisbee for 2 hours in the afternoon. I won't lie, I'm not awesome, but I'm not terrible either (or so I think). Regardless, I think it's so fun! I'm thankful that I get to play and also for Julie and Chase, that are willing to watch Beckett while both David and I are there!

Isn't that a cool picture?!?

1 comment:

Orell said...

Kristina -- I love your Thankful Thursday posts, but if you're wondering what to talk about next, updates and pictures of Beckett are always good! Love, Orell