Saturday, April 24, 2010

The cutting of the hairs


(Not quite sure what sort of smile I'm doing here! Maybe it's more of a I-hate-my-thin-yucky-hair-smile)


So, I got my haircut. I won't lie, I like it! I have a thing for chopping my hair off. I just like to do it. Not that I'm SO drastic in my hairstyles! But there's something super fun about having yucky lifeless hair (the before) and then getting a fun short style (the after!)


Anonymous said...

I really like it Kristina! She did a good job! I have always liked your hair short and swingy.( I don't think that is a word!)


Whitney Russell said...

Really CUTE!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Kristina, that's a great style on you! Plus, I googled it, and "swingy" is definitely a word.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the spell check Orell! It kept coming up with the red squiggly line under it!


Anonymous said...

cutie patootie! love it!

Anonymous said...

cutie patootie! love it!

Anonymous said...

oh that last comment was from me (kimmie coo) ;)

Anonymous said...

Soooooooooo cute! I have to agree with Mama, short and swingy works! You are beautiful as always!

Unknown said...

love the hair!!!

AnniePhil said...

cute hair!