Friday, April 30, 2010

Oh, how the time flies!

In about an hour, we are having Beckett's 1 year old birthday (if the rains stay away!) I can hardly believe he is one!

He's gone from this:

To this!

(that's not me walking with him, just fyi!)
(and can I just say, how cute his shoes are!)

Crazy stuff!

Oh, how we love him!

(Even though, he's screaming his head off with David right now!)


Orell said...

We too are having trouble believing that Beckett is a year old already! I wish we could be there to celebrate with all of you. Be sure to give him a big hug from Grandad and Lolli, ok? And you are so right: Those are cute shoes!

Anonymous said...

Happy 1st birthday, Beckett! How the time flies! Hugs and kisses all around.